Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Importance of the Passover

The ancient Hebraic culture was very ritualistic, and many of these rituals sprung from the old covenent with God under wich they lived. Today, we briefly talked about the Passover, but I don't think that we were able to truely delve into its importance. The instructions for the Passover did not only entail the sacrificing of an animal to wipe its blood apon the door post, but it also began a new era for the Jewish people as they made their great exodus out of Egypt. They were instucted to consider that month the first month of their year, and then given very specific instructions on how to offer their sacrifice to God so that the angel of Death would pass by their housholds. Is this not forshadowing? The crusifixtion of Christ took place during the Passover festival (or is suspected to have). Was he not the sacrifice that allows the Angel of Death to pass over each of us? Did his death not mark the beginning of a new era; a new covenent?

1 comment:

  1. P.S- I commmented on Tinsley's blog "The Darkness that may be felt"
