Thursday, February 7, 2013

None My Own

     Earlier this week I had a conversation about devolping a relationship with Christ, beyond the basic acceptance of His existance and "becoming" a Christian. The conversation came down to a single point: when you accpet Christ, you have the fullness of the Holy Spirit within you, it's just a matter of escaping the flesh and allowing the Holy Spirit to consume you.
     The section on 'Monks and private ownership' from "Excerpts from Benedict's Rule" deals with possesing personal objects, like cars or property. It says that "all things should be common possesion of everyone, as it is written, so that no one presumes to call anything his own". This excerpt serves as a perfect comparrison to how, we as Christians, should escape the flesh in the same way that the monks gave up private property so that we are not disstracted from our relationship with Christ. As we are commanded to die to ourselves daily over and over again in Scripture to grow in spiritual maturity.

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