Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Life without Laughter?

Today the question was asked to a couple of people if they would be able to live by Benedict's Rule and be a monk or a nun. While there were some things I think I could survive with such as not having to worry about what clothes I'm going to wear or not having to own any private property or even not having to worry about the awkward conversations at the dinner table there was one thing in particular that would probably cause me to get kicked out of a monastery.

In the section title "The tools for good works" there was a part where it talks about being careful of everything you do including what you say. It says that you must, " Guard your lips against harmful or deceptive speech. Prefer moderation in speech and speak no foolish chatter, nothing just to provoke laughter; do not love immoderate or boisterous laughter." I am completely on board with guarding what I say,  I unfortunately have no control over my laugh. I could not imagine life without laughter or someone not cracking a joke every once in a while. I would be seen guilty of loving "boisterous laughter" because I simply just love to laugh!

The Bible talks about laughter and it says in Ecclesiastes 3:1-4  "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance." It also says in Psalm 126:2 "Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.'"Laughter is clearly evident throughout the Bible and for me it is always a feeling of joy and happiness. It is not something done in a sinful way. Having to live a life where I had to control my laugh and not make a joke to help put a smile on someone's face is simply a life I would not want to live. Laughter is a gift from God and a way of expressing joy that everyone should be able to experience on a daily basis.

p.s. commented on Rebekah Dye's "Hastening towards Heaven?"


  1. I too would struggle severly with holding back my laughter. I agree wholehartedly with you that laughter is a form of expression that was given to us by God; is there any other creature on this earth that can truely laugh? Perhaps we ought to guard the timeing of our laughter, but never ban it completely.

  2. I agree with everything both of you say. I enjoy laughing, I'm pretty sure I spend the majority of my day laughing. Granted, sometimes I could laugh at some things less as they are not necessarily pleasing to God, but laughter is the one way I express myself honestly. I can fake a smile, a fake being depressed, but I can't fake my laughter. Plus, they always say that laughter is the best medicine, when I'm feeling down or upset and my friends say something or do something that makes me laugh it brings my mood up and makes me happy. God gave us laughter for a reason and because of this I would never be able to be a monk or a nun.
