Thursday, February 7, 2013

Open Apology to the Honors Council

To Mallory and the Rest of the Honors Council:

In my "Open Letter to the Honors Council" I publicly wrote some things that were less than charitable. My intent was never to start a fight. In my attempt to rectify the problems, I only aggravated them; in my effort to unite, I only divided; in setting out to correct failure, I failed you all. I meant well, but the intentions do not justify my actions.

I damaged some reputations: my own, yours, and the program's. I posted hastily, not anticipating the consequences. I acted disrespectfully, not considering the possible hurt feelings. I wrote presumptuously, not taking these points privately to the Council before making it a public issue. Intellectual freedom requires intellectual responsibility, and I am taking responsibility for my words.

Council, class, professors: I am sorry. I am willing to accept correction, and perhaps discipline, for the things I've said and the way I went about saying them. I am utterly distraught over my sins.

There are people in the Honors program who want reform, and they went about telling me respectfully. The grace they showed me I did not show in kind to the rest of you. Please do not let my wrong actions cast negative light on their concerns. They only want what is best for the program, as do I.

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