Friday, November 2, 2012

Knowledge or Ignorance?

There is some kind of peace of being oblivious to the surroundings and once people learn about the life and become "enlightened" that sort of peace suddenly disappears. I know I'm basically describing childhood to adulthood dependent. But, do people really want to hear the last minutes of the watergate videos? Sometimes ignorance is preferred to knowledge because people have to think whether the information does more harm than good. Us guys do it all the time, we tell girls that they don't look fat and that they look fine because we don't want to deal with the fallout. Do girls really want to know what we think in those instances or do they prefer the sugar cookie we offer them? I believe there is a balance between knowledge and ignorance: too much knowledge make people sad and aware of how unjust the world is and too much ignorance hinders the mind from growing so that it can take care of people and ultimately keep the circle of life.

I commented on Tyler Cofields' "I'm not a puppet... I'm a real boy."


  1. I don't know. I tend to go for the opposite argument. I honestly would rather be a genius and incontent with my level of knowledge and the world around me than ignorant of the truth and happy. Your statement, "Too much knowledge make people sad and aware of how unjust the word is" is spot on, but do you not think that people should be aware of the injustice in the world. And do you not think that the injustice of the world points to the need of a Savior? If you believe that the world is perfect and just ignorant of the truth, you could also become ignorant of the Truth, as well.

  2. You both should revisit this question after we look at Oedipus.

    -Dr. Schuler
