Thursday, November 1, 2012

Enter the Cave-trix

You're about to read a cross between Republic, Book VII, and The Matrix. If you haven't seen it, go watch this scene first. Are you done yet? Good, let's get started.


A shadow, followed by a shriek. The vague figure shifted with flickering orange lights, though the shackled man himself was in deepest darkness. The bonds around his legs and neck were covered in rust and blood. He had tried to escape before. The bonds were unbreakable. All his life, he had no possessions, except himself, the darkness, and a few questions. The Cave... is it real? What is real? Who am I? Am I at all?

Another shadow, but this one was different. It grew larger and larger as it came from the far off light. Soon the shadow was standing right in front of him. The shadow was old, but dignified in stature and completely unshackled.

"Who are you?"

"I am Socrates. I come from the outside."

"Are you god?"

"No. I am just a man, but if you want, you can become like me."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here because you are miserable, naked and broken, but more than that, I'm here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. It's been with you your whole life. You know what I'm talking about."

"The Cave?"

"Do you want to know what it is?" The captive nods. "The Cave is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very antechamber. It is Ignorance and Oppression, the Subjugation of your precious Spirit. It is a prison, a prison for your mind. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the Truth."

"What 'Truth?'"

"That you are in bondage."

"No, that's impossible. There's nothing beyond the Cave. The Cave is all there is."

"It's easy to explain why you'd think that. The Cave is all you've ever known. You've always been inside, but I offer you something else: the chance to be outside."

"Outside?" More violent shrieks reverberated from the back of the cave. It was only a matter of time before the other shadow returned.

"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back." He held out an object. "This is the key to Knowledge." He dropped the key within the man's reach. "Stay in the Cave and believe anything you want, or loosen your shackles and finally see for yourself. The choice is simple: darkness or light. Either be a slave to man, or be a slave to truth. There is no in between. But remember, I'm not promising an end to pain. What you learn may disturb you and leave you more naked, miserable and broken than you already are. But at least you'll be free. The truth is all I'm offering. Nothing more."

"Truth? Freedom? I'm not sure if I want that. It sounds scary."

Socrates laughed. "Indeed, it is." He turned to leave. "You have what you need. I leave the rest to you." The shackled man watched the shadow as he became smaller and smaller, until he disappeared into the light. The captive sat with the key and wondered what to do with it.

EDIT: Commented on Tinsley G's "Philosophy Still Works."

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