Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Eternal Knot

I've always loved British poetry, in particular, Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.  The intensity and creativity of these literary works is intriguing, as we discussed in class.  My favorite thing about Sir Gawain is how the poet brings the reader into the story.  As the reader, you're concerned for Gawain's fate, and are begging for him to remain "true." The endless knot on Gawain's shield really fascinated me as we discussed it in my small group.  By wearing it on his shield Gawain emphasized that he was the epitome of truth, of honesty, of the eternal concepts necessary to the ideal knight.  Indeed, the true root of this romance is not whether or not Gawain will survive the Green Knight's challenge or protect the honor of Camelot, it is to challenge and test the eternal knot on his shield.  At the beginning of his quest, "For ever faithful in five-fold fashion was Gawain in works unalloyed, devoid of all villainy, with virtues adorned in sight."According to the poet, the star on his shield means more than a sign of truth.  It is a challenge and standard Gawain set up for himself, and one which is tested throughout the entirety of the poem.

P.S. Commented on Preston's :)

1 comment:

  1. We also discussed how in the end Gawain "breaks" the knot and he can no longer be true. However, I believe that because Gawain repents and becomes once again true that he is able to fix the break. The point of an endless knot, or a circle, is that you are able to trace it over and over again without coming to a stopping point. If Gawain was to fix the knot, than there would no longer be a stopping point.
