Thursday, April 4, 2013

Gawain's Troth

I really enjoyed reading Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Although this was not my first time, I feel like I understand it much better now. Before I didn’t really understand the difference between truth and troth. Actually I did not even know there was such a word. However, Sir Gawain is the epitome of troth. Just as the pentangle represents the aspects of troth, Gawain shows all the characteristics of the pentangle. He has manors, faith, compassion and chastity. He shows all of these throughout the story. I believe he only falters in one way.  That is when he fails to give the sash to his host, but even still, he redeems himself when he confesses his failure to the green knight. As humans do we not all fall at some point in time? Is Gawain to be punished for is human nature? I don’t think he should be. 

PS i commented on Nick's

1 comment:

  1. I really like your point there, Becca. We are all human, and to me when all the rest of the knights started wearing girdles on their arms, I think it symbolized them recognizing that we all are humans and fall, that no one is perfect or better than anyone else. Now it could have been my own idea, but I found that connection.
