Thursday, April 4, 2013


The Camelot we see in the beginning of Sir Gawain reminds me of the Camelot from Monty Python and the Holy Grail!!! (Which just happens to be one of my favorite movies). It is probably bad that when I started reading of Camelot in Sir Gawain and saw lines 38-45ish that included,

“Many good knights and gay his guests were there,
Arrayed of the Round Table rightful brothers,
With feasting and fellowship and carefree mirth…
Then came to the court for carol-dancing…”

I immediately pictured the cast from Monty Python in this fashion…

I do know that this Camelot in our reading was actually celebrating Christmas and in that were showing their nobility under Christ. Most older people in churches here would say that must separate them from that cast from that great movie, but come on there’s nothing wrong with a little feasting and dancing and turning Camelot into a “rather silly place” at least for a little while.


  1. Can you see the Green knight just walking into that? But I agree with you here. Maybe not to that extent, but I see where you're coming from. Ecclesiastes says: "And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God."(3:13). There's nothing wrong with being a little silly now and then.

  2. I am so glad that you brought up Monty Python! That brings back some great memories. Anyways I could honestly see the Green Knight having the same reaction as King Arthur and his posse. That would add some humor to the story.

  3. This is great! Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of my favorite movies! This does give us a visual to go off of even if it is to an extreme extent, but then again we're talking about Monty Python.
