Thursday, March 21, 2013

When Hell Freezes Over

When picturing Hell, the first image that usually comes to mind is that of a fire and brimstone setting with a red skinned figure with horns and a pointy tail calling the shots; a far cry from the Hell that Dante dipicts in the Inferno. I find it extrememly interesting that the floor of Hell is a frozen lake. Some might say that it is a punishment for Satan, that his rebelllion against God was a ploy for freedom, and therefore his eternal punishment is that he is condemed to be frozen in place. However, I have another theory; that God's presence is in life. Life stems from sustainable forces, heat being one of them. So on the floor of Hell, not only is Satan being punished in an immovable prision of sorts, but he has no access to any source of life.

p.s-I commented on Katlyn Euwing's

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