Thursday, March 21, 2013

Revelation 21:8

" But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, idol worshipers, and liars- their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur."
In Revelations it describes the ones basically at the bottom of hell. If you look at the people in the bottom circles of Dante's hell, these are the sins they have committed. I think it is so interesting to see the truth in Dante's fictional epic. This verse is saying who will be the ones in the fiery lake of hell, and the liars are right their with these other sins we see as greater. Another thing to point out is that all these sins take good gifts that were given from God and pervert them into sinful things. And these are considered to be the worse in Dante's perspective and it also appears they are the worse in the Bible. Just some interesting comparisons I was thinking about. Another Ironic thing is that this verse is in the next to last chapter in the bible and these sins are in the next to last circle of hell! Just food for thought!

Ps I commented on Rebekah Dyes Ullysses in Hell


  1. That's very interesting Jasmine! I didn't even notice the Biblical parallel going on here with that in Revelation! Wow, good job! Dante was trying to point out to Society that it didn't matter who you were, or what religion you claimed, if you did not have a heart repentive and cleansed by Jesus... and if you lived your life according to your law, then you were destined for Hell. The further your sins went against God's nature the worst your punishment, and the farther away from God you would abide in Hell.

  2. I love the symbolism and parallelism you drew between Dante and Revelation! I think the thing with the distortion of the good is that in hell its the absence of good and the complete overflow of God's wrath thus the things that were once good and meant for good become distorted. Another thing to ponder on the same subject is the distortion of good things on Earth. Do we not distort good things in our every day life? Did we distort them by our own doing or is it God's wrath?
