Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thieves and Snakes

Dr. Mitchell said to day in class that in Dante’s hell, the crime doesn’t necessarily fit the punishment, but instead, the crime is the punishment. In Canto XXIV, Dante describes the punishment of thieves.  They are naked. Their hands are bound by snakes, which constantly attack them. How is this punishment the crime? I believe that snakes and thieves share many characteristics. To be a thief, one must be very sneaky, deceitful, conniving, and manipulative. In the Garden of Eden, the serpent shared all of these qualities. I believe that its ironic that their hands are bound by the embodiment of the qualities that got them to hell in the first place. The crime is the punishment.

I commented on Jasmine’s Blog!

1 comment:

  1. Well said! Think also, like the serpent of the garden who lost his limbs, the thieves lose their limbs (or their ability to use them) as a result of their sin, ironically bound by the serpent.
