Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ulysses in Hell

Deceivers. Deceivers are in the 8th level of Hell. Really far down there! Why is this? Why should deceivers be further down then say, adulterers? Or the priests that renounced the name of Christ?
Today in small groups, this question was asked.
I believe the answer this question is that deception, as opposed to simply telling a lie, takes structured planning. When someone tells a lie, you say it quickly and usually move on. Deception is a lie that needs convincing. Therefore, it takes longer to talk the other person into the 'truth' of the lie. Deceiving someone is not an easy thing to do. One doesn't simply pull that our of your hat. It takes deciding on the counter-truth, applying a story behind that, and then the execution.
I think then, that deceiving can be considered very dangerous, and very bad. When looked at like this, I believe it makes sense why it was considered such a bad sin, and worthy of a punishment of constantly burning.

I commented on Molly Gray's "Virtue"


  1. That's really true, deceiving is different than lying in the preparation. I also think that deceivers are so deep in Hell because of the perversion of the human intellect, like we talked about today. Deceit goes against the human soul, and uses intellect, a God-given gift to humans alone, and perverts it.

  2. I agree, but what would you have to say about breaking a promise that you made to someone? Would you consider it a lie or fraudulent? Does it depend upon the situation on whether you would consider it deceitful or not?

    1. I think it would depend on the situation. Sometimes people break a promise on an impulse - like the people who tell lies. Others make a calculated decision to break a promise - like people who commit fraud. There may or may not be a plan behind breaking a promise.

  3. Tinsley, if you look at the sins closest to te bottom of hell, they are all perversions of the gifts God has given, yet those are the sins re regard as lesser. This is quite scary to me. Dylan, I feel that their are so many circumstances with a broken promise that is not an adequate comparison.
