Thursday, March 21, 2013

The punishment is the crime.

today, in about three seconds Dr. Mitchell said something that has been slightly haunting me ever since. He said in Dante's hell the punishment doesn't fit the crime- the punishment IS the crime.

Fascinating. It might also be said that all who choose sin choose to suffer in a certain way. They, in a strange sense, desire that particular type of punishment rather than release from it. I don't know what to do with that information because it's changing the way I see sin. C. S. Lewis said the sin that keeps people in hell is the one thing they would keep instead of God and that one thing is their torment. So for lovers who would have love instead of God, that lover becomes their punishment. So in a strange sense people who do not want God do, in the end, get what they want. Because our own desires are hell.
Unless we be changed and born again, learning to love the will of God.

Mind blown/ reminded of the grace of God.

I commented on Susan's.

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