Thursday, March 7, 2013

Medieval dance

     After all the research I did on medieval dance and medieval dress I can definitely say I learned a lot. I learned that medieval dances were simpler than I thought while still retaining an aspect of complexity. From the research I did and the videos I watched I found that their were different dances for each country and there were even different dances for the court and for the country. Something that I thought was very interesting was the striking similarity between the medieval dances and the dances portrayed in the Jane Austen movies, like Pride and Prejudice.
     As far as medieval dress goes I mainly looked at what the medieval monks would have worn. The monks of the medieval period would have worn a wool cloak and hood, just like the ones we see in most movies. The difference however between what the monks in movies wore and what the actual monks would have worn is the color of the garments. We typically see and think of monks wearing brown cloaks and hoods when in actuality they were not. Originally a monk's clothing would not have been dyed any color and therefore it would have been a grey color, which is the color of non-dyed wool.  

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