Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dancing the time away

Dancing was very important to people of the Medieval ages.  It was something that everyone, whether they be lords or peasants could participate in doing. It also was something that both sexes good equally well at.  Over all dancing was something special and bonding to the people of Medieval Ages.

     Dancing become a way of celebrating momentous and fun times.  For different occasions people held dances, like for weddings, for births, and even for deaths.  People of different classes rarely danced with one another, there were dances for the rich and dances for the poor, such as country dances in which only the peasants took part in.  There were several different types of dancing such as the Carole Dance, Egg Dance, May Pole Dance, and The Morris Dance. The Morris Dance was the most interesting to research, because in this dance people dressed up like character from Robin Hood. The Egg dance was interesting too because people would dance with eggs all over the floor, and the objective was to damage the least amount of eggs while dancing, this was a part of celebrating Easter.  

There were different styles of dances as well. Originally dancing started out as something only males could do, but soon females were allowed to dance. This was one of the few things that women could participate in as freely as men could in the Medieval Ages. When women began dancing, dancing styles evolved. There were line dances, circle dances and couple dancing.  Sometimes dances were a combination of the styles. Like a couples’ line dance.

    Clothing varied with the people. Peasant men and women usually wore clothing made from basic materials, nothing fancy. Men would wear tunics and pants, maybe a belt. Women usually wore a simple dress, usually with their hair up.  Nobility were elegantly dressed, King and Queens would sometimes have jewels sown into their clothing.  The more regal one dressed, the more prestige one carried. At dances royals usually showed off their best robes, just like people still do today, wearing special clothing for special dancing occasions. 

The most important thing about dancing was that anyone could do it. Also dancing didn’t require royal birth, or a great amount of skill.  Dancing also brought happiness and mirth to the people. People were united under dancing festivities. As I hope we will become even more so! I’m looking forward to our class combining projects and having a blast dancing around.

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