Thursday, November 8, 2012

the Power of Words

On page 169, lines 1349-1356 of the book, Oedipus says that he wishes the Herdsman had left him to die as a small child; that it would've bettered everyones lives, that none of this would have had to happen had it been so. The Chorus then follows by saying they agreed with him, they wished that upon him too. What really struck me today, while reading this, was how powerful words can be to someone. To have negatives words spoken to you all the time, and nothing ever affirming, leads to discouragement and unhappiness. Even if Oedipus hadn't had feelings like that about himself, he never should've been told that things would be better if he'd have died. As human beings, we need affirming, uplifting, and happy words spoken into our lives, daily, hourly. If someone ever gets to the point where they wish to themselves that they'd never been born, or had never been allowed to live, that is a serious and very sad issue that should be remedied.
I can't help but think of this...your words can make someone, or break someone. And no matter how hard your day has been, or how much you have going on in your life, which should you choose to do? Make them? Or break them?

P.s. I commented on Mallory Searcy's "Fate VS. Human Nature"

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