Thursday, November 8, 2012

Knowledge of Fate

We say ignorance is bliss, and to an extent, I agree. I question what would have happened if Oedipus had never learned the true identity of his parents. Though Jocasta seemed as though she already had a suspicion of what had happened, would it have been any different if he had not looked into who his parents were? However, an even better question is whether or not his knowledge of the original prophecies would have changed the outcome. Why was Jocasta informed of Oedipus's fate in the first place. Is knowing what is going to happen in the future really any of our business? If she was not forewarned of the dangers of Oedipus, would she have given him away? If she had not given him away, would he have lusted over her enough to kill his own father? Its the same way with Macbeth. If the witches had not reviled the prophecies to him, he would not have taken matters into his own hands. The same principles apply with Jocasta she should not have taken it upon herself to try to change fate. Knowledge of fate is more dangerous than being left in the dark.

PS. I commented on Meghan's

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