Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fate vs. Human Nature

Is it not strange that whenever a person tries to defy a prophecy that it ultimately comes true. I believe that when the oracle gives its message that it already knows about their responces. I guess human natue is not hard to predict. If someone does something once, then they are more likely to do it again. Oedepius is in my pity, he had no idea what was going on until it was too late. I do not care much for most of the other characters, but I guess one must hold some kind of respect towards the guy for carrying out his word in the end and not just trying to deny or cover it up. The whole story seems to let us in to our human nature, its not pleasant but it is the truth. Though our situation hopefully is not at all like Oedipus, we all have faults and must make desicions that may not be pleasant or easy. That is life.

1 comment:

  1. I see this kind of looking the same as God's view of life. God sees and knows everything. Before, during, and after it happens. In a sense, God and Oracle can be compared. They both predict or "know" the future and then watch it unfold. And it always comes about in the end. He sees all, and knows all. They are very similar, it seems to me.
