Thursday, March 28, 2013

No Redemption

There is a quality to Dante's Inferno that is very disturbing in the graphic way of the punishment and the sinners reactions through the punishment. Even though the sinners are constantly punished for their sins, it seems that none of them feel sorry for what they have done instead they try to justify their actions even though their punishment constantly reminds them that they were wrong. The sinners have a constant reminder that they have done something wrong and they still refuse to acknowledge that they have something wrong even though they have a constant reminder that they have done wrong against themselves and humanity. Dante's absent of redemption in hell is one of the most striking and interesting characteristic of hell because only Jesus is the source of redemption for sins committed. This is a way to remind the reader that hell has no place for good intentions and the worst torture that a human can face is to face head on sins and feel pain for them but not being able to repent or inability to be redeemed and possibly the sinners in hell know this and that is the reason for their constant justification.

I commented on Skyler's post

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