Thursday, March 28, 2013

Chaucer and I Go WAY Back!

Today makes the third time in so many semesters that I have had to read Chaucer for a class. To be precise, this is the third time I have had to read the “General Prologue.” I love Chaucer, he is truly brilliant in the way he writes. And I have to say that “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” is probably one of my favorite, probably because it’s Arthurian. Last semester, I wrote my research paper on Gawain’s characteristics in many different Medieval works. “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” was one such work since it is very similar to “The Marriage of Dame Ragnell,” except for the fact that the night and lady are both given names. While Chaucer can be hard to decipher, especially in Middle English, he makes a lot of good points that probably made people uncomfortable then and can make people uncomfortable now.
Have a Happy Easter everyone!!
Tantum e tenebris receptum constabit,
PS- I commented on Tyler’s post.

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