Monday, September 17, 2012

Don't be a fence rider

In Book 18, a character that greatly interested me was Amphinomus. He's one of those sympathetic villians who chose the wrong side to fight on and now he's just stuck there and you're left wondering if he'll switch to the good side or not.

Yes, Amphinomus is a part of the gaggle of suitors mooching off Odysseus' household and should be bopped in the head for his rudeness.

However, he does display some compassion when he toasts Odysseus for soundly beating Arnaeus and gives Odysseus food.

But even after Odysseus warns Amphinomus of the master's imminent return, he stays. He can't make up his mind.

There's nothing worse than a person who can't decide which side they'll to fight on. You're either for something or against it, and indecisive people make this whole world turn a little slower. It's irritating.

Ultimately, Athena decides that Amphinomus will have an untimely death. Why? Because he doesn't know what he's for or against. I know this is only concerning Penelope and Odysseus' household, but I'm going to take this whole situation a little deeper.

When it all comes down to it, you should know your stance on every hot topic, especially concerning your faith and convictions. A man without conviction is a man without power, and ultimately, he'll stand aside and let evil happen.

(P.S. Commented on Emerson Larios' There is Nothing Like Home)


  1. I agree that every person needs to take a stand on what they believe. Even though Odysseus loses men in his journey home, at least he knows what he wants. He also stands against evil and eventually avenges his palace, his wife, and his self.

  2. I also agree that a person needs to choose sides. Odysseus was a guy who made questionable decisions and ultimately he led most of his crew to death but he made a choice. Making choices is part of our identity and character although sometimes they may not be popular or right but being able to do them is a skill that many people are afraid to work on like someone once told me "if someone doesn't hate you, you're not doing it right" meaning do not be afraid to take a stand against or in favor of what we think is right.
