Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wisdom of the Ages

I have loved Greek mythology, really any mythology, since I was really young. I don’t know too much about Greek myths, but I know enough to know that there’s just something in them reels me in every time. This is all to say that, ever since I was first introduced to Greek mythology, Athena has been my absolute favorite goddess. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my parents have always drilled into me the importance of wisdom. Or maybe it’s just that I like the way she goes about things. Whatever it is, she is my absolute favorite.
In The Odyssey, Athena plays a large role in helping Telemachus begin his journey to find out about Odysseus. She is always thinking three, or seven, steps ahead of anyone else. She reminds me of a character in a manga I just, sort of, finished reading. In this manga, the character, his name is Shikamaru, is the best battle strategist there is. He always knows what the enemy is going to do, and he always plans for every possibility. Athena is very similar.
If we were living in Ancient Greece I would want Athena to be my patron goddess, I’d also want her to be on my side if it came down to it. The rest of the gods act in anger, Athena thinks through what she is going to do. This is why the Grecians chose to name their capitol city after her.
Tantum e tenebris receptum constabit
I commented on Molly Gray’s “An Age Of Plastic Wrap”

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