Thursday, December 6, 2012

Destiny and a whole lot of digging...

Throughout the last couple of years of my life, I feel that God has been revealing to me that his plan from the very beginning was to restore creation its original purpose. God wants to make us into what he destined us to be from the very beginning of time, before sin or anything separated us from him. I found this last lecture to be a satisfying ending to a wonderful semester in our great "quest for truth". Knowing that God won't leave his people where they are but takes them with Him on the journey is one of the most comforting things. The most comforting thing I know at this point in time is that I'll get to rest this weekend from my frantic all nighter. I'm discovering that honors papers can really take it out of you but the results are so worth it. I'm so grateful that I dug into my topic and found answers. This is the same with life. If you stay up until 4:30 in the morning, you are bound to find some answers. Here's to some more mind opening truths! (P.S. Commented on Amanda)


  1. It's funny, but the more you allow God to take control, the more He will reveal you you. I spend so much time worrying over my future before remembering that God knows what's going to happen next. When I stop stressing and hand it over to Him, He reveals a path to me and I'm like, "Oh, hey look, that's perfect for me!" Also, the later you stay up the more answers you will find, or you'll just end up with a caffeine buzz! Here's to yet another all nighter!!!

  2. I love what you said about God taking us on the journey, and never leaving us, especially going into finals week :) it's so comforting to know that we have e god who is concerned about every piece of our lives, and that he truly has a plan for everything that happens!

  3. thanks for the comments ladies! And yes, here's to another all nighter and another phase in the journey!
