Thursday, December 6, 2012

Conversations at the Honors Project

I had a really wonderful conversation with Will Drake at the honors project. We talked about what honors means to us, and what honors has taught us.
The texts that we've come in contact with have challenged us, stretched us and changed us. But one of the best feelings I have experienced is when my view hasn't changed. When I can read Philo, when I can take hermeneutics and when I read Desmond Tutu, and when I can examine the argument thoroughly. Then, when I realize what I believe is still the same, that is when I know I can trust it. It is wonderful to know that the conversion you experienced when you were 14, or 4, is still the same truth that you believe after you learn Greek or read new interpretations of the texts. To be faced with a thousand inherent contradictions and find that I still believe the bible is true and that a God who is all knowing is capable of making himself known- this is what it means to have faith. To listen with grace and discernment and love to every argument, and yet to know at the end of the day that the Word of the Lord endures forever. We can rest in this in our Spirits, while searching out truth with our minds.

To find every obstacle, to hit every roadblock headfirst, and to know that God is more logical and more loving than I could even imagine. 

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