Thursday, November 15, 2012

Connection vs. Commitment

I found the thoughts on the differences between emotional connection and lasting commitment to someone, very intriguing today. After a quick comment was made about it, I found myself thinking about it throughout the rest of class.
In the case of Dido and Aeneas, we clearly know who felt which way about the other person. Dido was so in love with Aeneas that when she was rejected, she...took it hard, to say the least. Yet Aeneas was sort of "whatever" about that whole thing, the whole time.
What would it have taken Aeneas to get from just an emotion connection to a lasting commitment with Dido? Why didn't he try? Obviously he didn't know Dido was going to take rejection so hard or he probably would've have had anything to do with her. But even still, playing with someones heart is a dangerous business, regardless of whether or not you know the potential consequences of your actions.
So I guess what I kept asking myself was, why don't more people try to get passed the simple emotional connection with someone to a long-lasting commitment? I think if it was something that was more striven for, people would find it much more satisfying then just toying around with emotions.

P.s. I commented on emilylaforc'es "I want it now"

1 comment:

  1. I see your point. In the present era, the same problem still occurs. If some would take seriously their decisions and not be so nonchalant about everything that they consider to be not their problem, then the would would become a much more decent place. Also, the morality of the population would rise as well. All of us are fallen creatures, but could we not atleast try to become what we originally were. Though we may not suceed, if we always strive for greatness we may just find it.
