Thursday, November 15, 2012

Aeneas as a Leader

One of the qualities that I admire the most in Aeneas is his leadership. Many great leaders love their men and are extremely tactful in battle. The difference that sets Aeneas apart from other great leaders is his compassion. This can be argued in the case of his relationship with Dido, but with his men there is no doubt. He is deeply affected when he looses one of his men. He mourns the most for Misenus when they find his body. If Aeneas asks his men to do something he is right beside them working just as hard to show them he is not just going to command them to do something and then not do it himself. Many leaders can take this power to the extreme and that is when they become tyrants. Aeneas does not want to hold his power over his men as a threat. Through Aeneas' compassion and actions, I believe he shows the best qualities of a leader.

P.S.- I commented on Katelyn Ewing's post.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. So different than odysseus! Aneas seems almost in someways more of an ideal than a character. He represents the perfect Roman. He's also probably a prior reincarnation of Mel Gibson.
