Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tantum E Tenebris Receptum Constabit

      So I'm going to go off from the assigned reading just a bit, I've enjoyed reading Plato, but something in today's lecture really captured me attention. Today when we were given the backstory and meaning of the Honor's Motto, the word Receptum.

      From what I understood, receptum means recapturing, and Dr. Clapp used the powerful illustration of the Roman army going in and recapturing their standards or banners from their enemies. The Roman standard was their symbol of life. The loss of their standards was the loss of themselves.  To lose a standard was to be without purpose, and likewise for the standards.  This is a great parallel of what Christ does for mankind. We are like the standards, captured by the enemy, we are lost and without knowledge of our purpose, held in darkness.  When Christ, our Victor and Light comes in and reclaims and recaptures us.   He strengthens us and molds us into something which cannot be shaken.  Then our quest begins to love, serve and bring glory to Him with our whole being.
     One way to do that is to serve Him with our minds, which is one thing we strive to do in Honors. While in Honors, I ask, "How can reading this literature serve Christ? How this apply to my life? What can I learn from this?  How will this strengthen my faith?" Before I know it I have a lightbulb moment (those are the most valuable learning points in Honors). In Honors we also try to recapture what has been lost in the Darkness, we search for hidden knowledge, we search for wisdom, we search for meaning. When we find it, we recapture that which was lost. This becomes part of our lives, alters how we perceive the world. We then ourselves alter our world.  Only what is recaptured from the darkness will stand, or Tantum E Tenebris Receptum Constabit.

P.S. commented on Emily's post


  1. I really love your take on the analogy of todays lecture. I came into Honors the beginning of the year wondering if I would learn a great deal of Spiritual and Scriptural truths and in 2 short months, I have. Today's lecture one of those moments for me as well. I loved that Dr. Clapp tried to incorporate Scripture into his work at every turn. That is a great example to me of how Christ should be at the center of all we strive to do.

  2. I feel exactly the same, I'm glad that you are finding that Honors to be more than just a class!
