Thursday, October 4, 2012


"I'm convinced, glad that I was wrong.
Never too old to learn; it keeps me young."
-Agamemnon, lines 578-579
This, from the leader of the chorus in Aeschylus Agamemnon, is an inspirational quote. We live in a society that is filled with people constantly complaining about their education. Even though we ourselves are currently paying a small fortune to attend a university to further advance our education, we spend an incredible amount of time whinning about our workload and putting it off as long as possible. We are blessed to live in society that offers us an opppertunity to recieve an education, and even requires everyone to reach a certain level. Why not consider education a gift? All of the knowledge that has been passed on to us, does not even begin to scratch the surface of all there is to know. Knowledge is almost thought of as a sign of maturity, but is it not a sign of how young we truely are? There is so much we don't know, and so much left to learn.
p.s- I commented on Jamie Kilpatrick's Clytaemnestra

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with what you're saying here. So many societies in the world have so many limitations and hindrances on the already limited education systems in place. Yet we complain about even having to do anything school related. To other societies, not trying our absolute best in school doesn't even make sense. I think a huge part of this for us as americans is the fact that so much is already done for us that we have little to no perception of the true value of a real education. So often we only do what is absolutely necessary to simply get a degree, a piece of paper that somehow qualifies us as educated.
