Thursday, August 30, 2012

Honor and Achilles

Alright ladies and gents,
     This may ruffle some shirt collars, and some people may disagree, but hey that's the whole point of Honors, right?
     Honor. This is a prevalent theme in Greek culture, it's all about the honor.  Just like someone stated in class this morning, honor is how the Greeks cheated fate, it is how they gained immortality.  Whether through beauty, strength, wisdom, or the amount of enemies slain by your sword. What is one thing that drives people to greatness? The lust of honor. What makes Epics great? What makes stories great? The quest for Honor. All throughout the ages this has driven mankind on, even today, what is one things that drives athletes the quest of Honor. The honor of being remembered generations after you have passed on, that is a craving that I feel everyone has once in their life.
    At this point in time, I really like Achilles. Yes, I've heard rumors that later on he's a huge jerk, but right now he's cool in my book.  I can see myself in Achilles shoes(or sandals). When I was younger I would love to fight, to physically brawl(especially with my older cousins). Winning was fantastic but the best part was the honor of being known as the best fighter, the strongest, The Queen of the Hill.  Having the credit due to me was huge. If I did something good I wanted to be praised for it. If someone else got the credit, it would enrage me. That was mine! I labored for it, I deserved it! If someone robbed me of my anger, they were going to get my full wrath and revenge. I can totally relate to Achilles.  I also would gladly take a bruise or lose to someone stronger than me, rather than sight out of the action (So I can also totally relate to Hector).
    So when we examine and find that Achilles is just a man shamed and stripped of his honor. Can one blame him for his reaction? Especially since the teachings of Christ were unknown to him? Think about it he could have killed Agamemnon, even after Athena stopped him. So he refused to fight, till all was recompensed. Even in this act you see that Achilles is more than just a blood-thirsty warrior, he is a man seeking the return of the honor due to him.
    Maybe I'm just rambling on, but I want to question Achilles character. For now, based on only what we have read, is Achilles a horrible guy? At this moment in time, he is one of my favorite characters, and I'm sort of cheering for him.

P.S. I commented on Rebekah Dye's blog


  1. I would like to add that even after Agamemnon offers to return his prize along with many more gifts Achilles still refuses to join the war. His good name and prize would have been restored to him but he dug his heels in and continued to sulk allowing other people to suffer in the meantime.

  2. I can relate to Hector too. I remember one year at Summer Camp when I fought a group of about 20 boys who were all older than me just so that the girls could use the water trampoline too. I remember the sheer intensity of which I shoved, scratched, grabbed, and kicked the boys I was fighting. I remember times where, by sheer force of will, I kept the boys from throwing me off said water trampoline. I also remember the attention I got from both the boys AND the girls as I fought to give the girls a chance to play as well. I've always loved being the center of attention, ask my family, and sometimes I wonder if I'm going to turn out to be one of those adventure seeking people who only look to do things for the Honor and excitement of the opportunity. I hope not, I hope that I will live my life not to collect Honor and Glory for myself, but to give Honor and Glory to One who created me, gave me breath, and will one day take it all away as He has the perfect right to do. All for his Glory!

  3. Yes, but his honor wouldn't be restored not in way that he could accept glory in. He would be bought back. He wanted and needed Agamemnon to grovel, and to die, because only that would be the rightful price to restore his honor.
    Meghan I totally relate to you 100%. I use to be in Taekwondo, and was the only girl in my rank. So at tournament I had to battle all boys and won. That was a victory in itself I felt like warring Amazon warrior! Now I love winning, I love competing, but I'm not going to be like Achilles when I lose. I've matured from those impulses. And I too hope that anything anyone could give me glory for, does not go to me at all. I want only to glorify My God.

  4. "I have no mind to stay here heaping up riches and treasure for you and receiving no honor for myself." Achilles said that to Agamemnon while chastising him for wanting to take another man's prize. This argument definitely wasn't just about women; to both men, their honor was at stake.

    At this point, I'm definitely on Achilles' side!
