Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Welcome back! This is a reminder about the guidelines for the blog. Remember that it is part of your grade so if you do not blog your grade will be negatively affected.
Each post should reflect the reading assignments for the week. Try not to simply restate what was said in class; show that you have read by formulating a coherent post that is at least a paragraph (5 sentences) long. You are graded on how well the assignment is done, not just if it is done, so it helps to reference the novel or work that you read and use quotes to clarify your point. Use correct grammar and spelling to the best of your ability and no texting shorthand please.
Each week you also need to comment on a classmate's post and at the bottom of your post please include "I commented on ____________'s post: (title of their post)" (example: I commented on Amanda's post "Everyone Read This") That just helps us out a lot when we are grading your blogs.
Blogs are due Friday morning at 1:00 AM. Have it done before you get in bed on Thursday night. :)
LATE BLOGS DO NOT RECEIVE CREDIT. This is new from last semester- if your blog is late you will receive a zero for that week. You have plenty of time to get them posted. If something happens and the blog messes up, email it to me at before the deadline to receive credit.
You do get two blog skips. This means you can miss blogging twice and still receive full credit. If you choose not to use one or both of your skips then the points will be added to your final blog grade as bonus.
Blogging starts next week and a blog is due every week unless otherwise announced in class.
Any questions? Leave a comment or ask any of the Honors Council in class :)
Tantum e tenebris receptum constabit

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