Thursday, February 14, 2013


While reading the "Night Journey" I found something that I thought was very interesting. In this handout Jesus is referenced and they call him Messiah. I found this to be puzzling because Messiah means Savior or deliverer. I fail to see where the Muslims would be ok with calling Jesus the Savior. And if they are ok with calling Him Messiah then I cannot see how the Muslims would not regard him as the Savior of the world. It seems to me that by calling Jesus the Messiah they are being blasphemous, if anybody can help me understand this I'de appreciate

PS: I commented on Rebekah's post "favorite difference"


  1. I don't know why they'd call Jesus the Messiah, but I do know this: in Islam, to say Jesus is the Son of God eternally begotten of the Father is to deny monotheism and to deny their fundamental creed, the shahada: "There is no God but God, and Mohammed is his prophet." They think the Trinity is effectively polytheism. (I talk about this in my blog post.)

  2. This is an interesting point. If they believe that Jesus is just another prophet, than how could he be a Savior? If Jesus is a Savior, than how can he be just another prophet? It seems that Muhammad and the rest of the Muslims have talked themselves right into a contradiction!

  3. And this is exactly why I am still confused about the whole Islamic religion. I have heard so many atheists and agnostics say that they would believe Islam before Christianity, and I just just cannot seem to understand how or why. After discussing the story of Muhammad in class, I think I may be even more confused than before! Perhaps that is just the ignorance of our generation, or maybe they view Christians as hostile and hypocritical?
