Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Guidelines for blogging

This is a grade, and a way to measure how much you’re reading, so you really do want to take the time to blog. :)
Blogs are due every Friday morning at 1 am.  This gives you two classes worth of material to write about, and you can blog about anything we discussed in class or anything you read. Your blog needs to be a complete thought, not a rambling mess. If you are confused, feel free to say so, but also pick part of the reading to expound on and try to talk through it.
Your blog needs to be AT LEAST 5-7 sentences, and please use correct grammar (no texting lingo or shorthand).
You are also required to comment on one classmate’s post. Your comment must be 2-3 sentences stating a well-formed thought that relates to the person’s post, what you think about it and why.  Also post on your blog as a "p.s." whose blog you commented on--for example if I commented on Mallory's blog post "Kleos," at the end of my post I will type: "p.s. commented on Mallory's 'Kleos'" This way we can make sure you get credit for commenting!
You get two blog skips because we understand that life happens… so everyone will get two times not posting a blog before they lose credit.

Welcome to Honors, and to those who are returners, welcome back! I am so excited about this year and our journey into truth. The Honors Council is here for you- let us know if you need anything!

Honors Council: Mallory Searcy, Amanda Gaster, Danielle Standifer, Josh Spell, Jannah Lyons

p.s. blogging this week will be a sort of "practice round" to make sure it works for everyone and that you know what you're doing. You will get full credit if you post!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a well-thought out post. The things you say are directly relevant to our class, and it will definitely help the newbies. I wish we had more über-awesome blog posts like this.

    Does that count? ;)
